Friendly Natural Cat Litter - 20kg

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Overall rating based on 25 reviews
















would recommend

Emma 9 February 2018

Good litter

This litter smells very natural, like hay with a bit of mint . It puffs up when wet and is heavy enough not to get all over the floor on paws. I always buy it.

ruth177 5 July 2017

Kitty hates it...

I am not sure either. The fact that I can flush the poo is great. The fact that I can tip the wet stuff into the garden is also great. The fact that she has taken to pooping in the bath or the sink as she hates the litter tray is less good news. Really have to keep on top of the litter tray with this stuff. and it smells horrible, even when fresh. Not sure I will continue with this. I bought a 3 for 2 deal. but would recommend that a new person to this just buys one to see how they go first.

happyhippo 1 December 2016

The best of all we have tried

Simply the best litter we have tried. Not only is it not have a bad odour but the damp litter goes to a powder and can be easily separated and then put on the garden as it is fully biodegradable.

David 14 September 2016

Good deal

Excellent litter product as it is biodegradable. Use as directed and it could save you money on using conventional litter.

LisaCS 1 February 2017

Great for outdoor Cat-a-Loo

I can't comment on this product for indoor cat litter trays but I have used it in our outdoor Cat loo with really good results, our cat is an outdoor cat but there are a LOT of cats in our terraced neighbourhood and some are real scrappers so we don't like him to go far or to risk him pooing in our neighbours gardens (or our own flower beds for that matter!) so we cut off the bottom of a medium sized gardening trug and sank it into the ground near a small tree for privacy up to the handles leaving a 2 rim exposed and filled it with the friendly cat litter to a depth of around 1 foot. We created a makeshift lean-to shelter over the top to prevent rain from swelling the litter and we make sure to clear it of poop and turn it once a week, sometimes we add a little fresh litter but it seems to be able to last without a wholesale change for around 4-6 weeks, depending on the weather, that's a great result! This litter absorbs a LOT of wee and, for our purposes at least, is the perfect solution. Sometimes we take the bag of waste down to our allotment composter and other times we dispose of it with our regular household waste in a double layer of large compostable kitchen waste bags. That way, even if it does go to landfill, we reckon will surely biodegrade before long. I'd recommend this product for ease of use, pleasant odour (for us and the cat) and biodegradablity.

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