SmartCat Ultimate Top Box Cat Litter Tray - Dark Grey

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Overall rating based on 19 reviews
















would recommend

Toby's Mom 25 August 2023

Great for large cats

Our maine coon loves this litter box! He's young and pretty spry (3 yo) so he actually has fun jumping into and out of the litter box. We have another particularly large box downstairs that is a standard front opener and he uses them about the same amount, so high recommend especially if you have a larger cat who won't have trouble jumping in and out with the top opener.

Catlover 3 August 2022

Great buy

At first she didn't know how to use it, she was use to a standard litter box with the door on the front, but it didn't take long for her to get it, it's way less mess when she comes out as the top catches the excess litter, little to no odour because the smell isn't trapped in an enclosed box, and I love that I can just take out the blue bag and empty it, she doesn't scratch at it either,If I had known about this type of litter box i would have definitely got this years ago.

Anon 13 August 2020

Larger than expected

But a great littler tray. The cat just cant manage to kick the litter out or wee over the top. Its brilliant

Mia_1234 13 July 2020

Does what it needs to, albeit massive

This product is great for four reasons: 1 - the cat uses it 2 - theres minimal cat litter strewn on the floor 3 - it smells less than the last one (hooded tray with flap) 4 - the dogs cant get into it What I didnt do when purchasing this litter tray is actually measure how large it would be. I was shocked when it arrived in a massive cardboard box, modest for its contents! Please measure this before you buy it - Im pretty sure the cats in the images are photoshopped, or my cat is just tiny, but she had to pluck up the courage to jump into whats essentially a giant pit of litter, and it took her a few days to adjust. On the plus side, it does exactly what we bought it to do, it makes sense its high so dogs cant get in, and wide so she can move around in it. Also, quality is great and the liner in side and included scoop which fits onto the outside, are great!

debbie358 9 February 2020

Brilliant Litter Tray !!

My cats were very happy with our previous litter tray... but unfortunately the dog was too!! This tray is perfect to keep the dog out and also excellent for low odour and happy cats. Win-win :)

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