The loyalty scheme is available on and the following terms and conditions apply.
You will be automatically registered for the loyalty scheme when you register an account on To collect PP points for a transaction on the site you must be logged into your account.
How do I earn rewards points?
It's easy - every time you place an order and it is fully paid you get PP points credited to your loyalty scheme account! You earn 12 PP points for every £1 spent per product. For example if a product costs £23.47 you will earn 23 x 12 = 276 PP points.
You will not be awarded PP points on purchases that are fully paid for by redeeming a voucher. If you part-pay for a purchase by redeeming a voucher, you will only be rewarded PP points on the balance of the purchase above the value of the voucher.
Other activities
We may choose from time to time to offer additional PP points for carrying out other activities such as writing reviews; or providing us with photos we use on our sites, etc. The reward of PP points for any activities other than shopping will be displayed along with any associated terms and conditions.
We reserve the right to vary the number of PP points awarded for each £1 spent at any time and the number of points awarded for any other activities.
Solely at our discretion and on an ad-hoc basis we may choose to offer PP points as a promotion. These PP points will be added to your account as indicated at the time of the communication to you and it is important to highlight these PP points may have an expiry date different to that mentioned below.
When are my PP points available to me?
Earned PP points from purchases become available once your items have been paid for in full and as soon as we ship your items.
PP points for other activities will be added once your participation has been authenticated and the relevant terms and conditions have been met.
Is there a limit to the number of PP points I can earn?
There's no limit to the number of PP points you can earn.
How can I view my PP point balance?
To view your balance, simply log in to your account, add an item to the basket and your available points balance will be displayed on checkout.
How can I use my PP points?
Your PP points can be redeemed during checkout on all purchases, and 100 PP points = 10p.
We reserve the right to vary the redemption rate at any time. PP points may only be redeemed against future purchases. They can never be redeemed in cash.
Do rewards points expire?
PP points are valid for 6 months. If you haven't shopped with us for 6 months then all your points will expire and be deducted from your account.
From time to time we may offer additional PP points which have a shorter validity period, you will be notified of this at the time of issue and these PP points will be deducted from your account on expiry.
What if I return or cancel my purchase?
If a purchase is cancelled or returned, you will not receive PP points for that purchase or the PP points will be deducted from your account if already applied.
Can I receive PP points for past purchases?
No, past purchases are not eligible for earning PP points, you will only receive PP points from purchases made since our launch date of 3rd March 2016.
General Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right to modify or change the terms of the loyalty scheme in any way that we choose and at any time without prior notice, this includes terminating the loyalty scheme.
The PP points allocated through the scheme are personal to the holder of the account to which they have been awarded. They cannot be transferred to any other person or account. Nor can they be sold, or traded in any way. PP Points will not be awarded when checking out as a guest.
You will be automatically registered for the loyalty scheme when you register an account on To collect points for a transaction on the site you must be logged into your account.
You will be awarded 12 points for every £1 spent per product on any order where points are not being redeemed as discount.
You will not be awarded points on purchases that are fully paid for by redeeming a voucher. If you part-pay for a purchase by redeeming a voucher, you will only be rewarded points on the balance of the purchase above the value of the voucher.
Past purchases are not eligible for earning points, you will only receive points from purchases made since our launch date of 3rd March 2016.
The current redemption value is ten points equals one penny. We reserve the right to vary the rate at any time. Points may only be redeemed against future purchases. They can never be redeemed in cash.
The points allocated through the scheme are personal to the holder of the account to which they have been awarded. They cannot be transferred to any other person or account. Nor can they be sold, or traded in any way.
We may modify the terms of the scheme in any way that we choose at any time. Changes to the terms will not affect points that you have already collected. These terms are valid from 3rd March 2016.